quarta-feira, 2 de maio de 2012

Tast 2012 | Crossed Buttonhole | week 18

A Ola
A primeira imagem que se formou em minha mente, quando pensei o que fazer com este ponto, foi a "Ola" dos estádios de futebol.

Caseado Cruzado, Ponto Haste, Nó Francês
Perle 8 bordado sobre linho

The Ola
The first image that formed in my head was the "Ola" (Wave in Mexico), choreography of the fans in football stadiums.

Crossed Buttonhole stitch, Stem stitch and French Knots.
Perle 8 on Linen

11 comentários:

  1. Oh Luiz, is there no end to your imagination and creativity. Every week I always think "wonder what Luiz will come up with" and you never disappoint. This is great and very clever.

  2. Super, Luiz! I like your stitches very much!

  3. So wonderful! I am continually impressed by your talented work. I also liked the video.

  4. I like the way you have used this stitch

  5. Hi Luiz, I'm waving at you.....wonderful stitching !!
    love and hugs
    chris richards

  6. I'm like Shirley and always wonder what you have done with the stitch each week. I love the design of this. Even before I knew what inspired you, the design appealed to me.
    The commercial made me laugh.

  7. What a great idea ! It's unusual and very creative.

  8. I love your concept, and you have executed it perfectly.


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